Than to treat nail fungus on feet

The most common diseases today can be called fungal defeat stop. Pathology is not in jeopardy of a person's life, but brings a lot of unpleasant moments. In addition to flow without obvious symptoms, the fungus acts devastating to the entire immune system. To find themselves in a problem situation, it is necessary to know, than to treat it.

flexible nails on the feet

What is nail fungus

Microscopic fungal spores – this is part of the human environment. Now been studied for about 70 thousand of mold, but the most dangerous are the ones that cause various diseases. One of the most unpleasant fungal infections are mycosis caused by the fungus red Trichophyton. After the defeat of them in the human body are collected by the poisonous toxins that the blood flow to diverge in the tissues and organs, killing immunity. Medicine is known to many causes that cause nail fungus (onychomycosis), but the basic ones:

  • cuts, corns, abrasions or injuries of the foot;
  • irregular hygienic procedures;
  • the overall weakness of immunity;
  • excessive sweating of the feet.

Than to cure nail fungus on my feet

Develops a disease on the same scheme: first the nails with shatter, becomes rough, increases the thickness. Board changes color, is covered by strips, exudes an unpleasant odor. After some time it starts bit by bit falling apart. If time is not to change your mind, then disease can move on to the natural nail plate of the hands. There are two types of medication therapy: external and internal. What better to cure nail fungus on the feet, will solve the doctor-dermatologist.

Preparations for oral

Comprehensive treatment treatment of onychomycosis is advisable to start with the first stage, when changing only the color of the nail. In this case, the therapy is limited to the local way: by using the ointment against fungi or cream. The next stage of nail fungus require no systemic therapy, when drugs are taken orally. The dermatologist will prescribe home treatment in the following cases:

  • positive a big part of the nail plate;
  • the fungus in heavily running stage;
  • formed thickening or separation of the nail;
  • mushrooms beaten several of the fingers;
  • there is diabetes;
  • the age of patients more than 50 years.

Choice, than it is better to treat the fungus, the person needs to realize that the main contraindications to systemic treatment – it is pregnancy, lactation, liver disease. In these conditions it is necessary local or folk therapy. If that doesn't work, then instead of systemic treatment, the physician should use surgical removal of infected nails.

pills against mold and mildew


Antifungal medicines are different in the active components and price. The best cure for onychomycosis – it is a pill, but in their selection should take into account contraindications.

Local resources

When showing the initial symptoms of onychomycosis, it is necessary to use local treatment. Features anti-fungal means outdoor use is due to the high concentration of the active ingredient, killing the fungus on the surface of the nail. However, not worth it to treat yourself, because it sometimes leads to serious consequences.

Therapeutic varnishes

Will delay the development of mold special paint, which softens the affected, may the natural nail plate. Low-cost on the value of the remedy penetrates deep into the nail, kill the fungal spores.

Creams, sprays and ointments

For the fight with onychomycosis widely used ointments, creams, sprays. Cause them 1-2 times a day. The treatment usually lasts from two months to one year, which depends on the stage of the mold.

A means for removal of the affected nail

The Gel or cream from the nail fungus on your feet will be able to help only in the first stage of the disease. When running the form of onychomycosis, the doctor may prescribe surgical intervention. There a band-aid, to self-restore the nail in the more advanced forms of the disease. Glue it on the night on thoroughly washed the affected fungus nail. To blow gently withdrew a pair of scissors was hit together with the land.

How to cure nail fungus on the feet of folk remedies

Price on antifungals low, but some people prefer to get rid of mold folk methods:

nail fungus folk remedies
  1. Apple cider vinegar. Preferably, if it is cooked at home. Well help compresses, which do need to be in the evening for 2-3 months. The gauze swab is applied vinegar, applied to the desired land, rewound food foil and the top is fixed by a bandage.
  2. Ammonia alcohol. It is easy to buy them at the pharmacy, then mix with water in a ratio of 200 ml per 1 tablespoon (tbsp) of alcohol. Wet a cloth in the solution yourself, wrap the affected area, the top put on the cellophane and the wool socks. Keep every night until healing.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide. To steam the foot in hot water (20 minutes), then make a poultice with hydrogen, which soaked a cotton ball, superimposed on the nails and wrapped cellophane for 1 hour. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day, a course of 3-4 weeks.

Prevention of the disease

To prevent the occurrence of onychomycosis, it is necessary to regularly check your feet. Once a month it is advisable to do a complete pedicure, remove cuticles and grew up or overgrown nail plates. A day would change your socks, which should be from natural fabrics. Be wearing spacious, comfortable shoes with good vsákavostí into the wood and ventilated sole.